Company News
2017.01.11  /  TLM Conflict Minerals Free Statement

Corporate Social Responsibility
Conflict Minerals Free Statement

TLM, as the citizen of the world supports human rights, and embraces its Corporate Social Responsibility. We will keep paying attention to this issue, and do due diligence to ensure that TLM and TLM suppliers avoid using conflict minerals such as Tin (Sn), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W), Gold (Au) (hereinafter referred as “Conflict Minerals”)from the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its neighboring countries (hereinafter referred as “Conflict Regions”) controlled by armed groups.

We hereby makes following commitments:

  • Not to purchase Conflict Minerals from mines in the Conflict Regions.
  • Request TLM’s suppliers to refuse to use Conflict Minerals from the Conflict Regions and present a signed letter of commitment to TLM.
  • Request TLM’s suppliers to notify their upstream suppliers of suchrequirements.